Meghan Visits!

From Wednesday-Sunday, Meghan visited me from England. She and her husband are there while he is getting his Masters degree in Bournemouth. Luckily, I didn't have class on Friday and we had lots of time to explore. I was so happy for the company, and can't wait to see her again at the wedding in May. Disclaimer: This post will be pretty long. Wednesday : Meghan arrives. I haven't eaten at Nate and I's neighborhood restaurant (Glockencafé), so I was so excited that Meg agreed to go there with me on Wednesday night after her long day of travel. I broke the no-carb diet for her stay, and it was magical. Rucola (Arugula) belongs on Pizza! Thursday : St. Patrick's Day! On Thursday, we stayed in the local vicinity and tried to find some fun sights. We made our way to Trippstadt (13 km away). In Trippstadt, we found a miniature Baroque castle (below) and its gardens. After stopping in Trippstadt, we made our way to Frankenstein (20 km away from Ka...